
On weekend meetings, members take mock or official math contests, attend lectures on various topics by our veteran math team members, or listen to guest speakers. Ultimately, however, improvement comes from solving lots of problems in your free time! We encourage members to review past contest problems that they were unable to solve in the time frame, and attempt problem sets that accompany our lecture notes. We bring these resources to you on this website through the links below (or in the dropdown menu "Resources" above in the navigation bar).
Contest Preparation

This page will provide a wide assortment of links to outside resources that students can also utilize in their preparation for the main sequence of math contests by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA): AMC/AIME/USA(J)MO.


This page contains links to .pdf files of lecture notes (with problem sets) that our veteran math team members wrote and compiled, previously administered mock contests or released contest papers from outside organizations, and solutions to problems. All math team members should check this page regularly for newly released documents during downtime.